Tuesday, July 31, 2007

(Tom) Riddle of the Week

This little stumper was given to me during my Google interview this morning. I can't seem to figure it out:

I give you a coin.
There are three doors.
You have to devise a way to choose a door, such that the likelihood of choosing any one door is exactly the same for each of the doors.

You can, but do not have to use the coin.

Needless to say, I didn't get it, but my interviewer didn't expect me to. He just wanted to hear "my process".

Sleep on that.

In other news, I finished Harry Potter 7 today. I must say, that even though it's a book like any other book, it does symbolize many many years of my life either reading or in anticipation of reading. Finishing it was bittersweet, but not as melancholy as I expected, and (shyly) hoped.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Challah gets delivered on Tuesdays

BIG crisis at work. Kevin (the owner) has decided that things aren't working. The servers aren't self-sufficient enough. We need more order. We need more camraderie. His solution: Diana. Well, Di, which is her self-proclaimed nickname. She used to woork at Doc's Marina Grill on the water a quick walk downhill from Nola's, where the food's so bad we won't refer walk-ins there when we're no longer seating. They don't empty the trash in their bathrooms at night. The owner (of Doc's, mind you) was caught fucking one of his teenage waitresses on one of the front tables after hours by his middle-aged downtowner wife. Point being, the entire place is covered in salty harbor swank, and by extension, so is Di. She has her nickname tattooed on her hand, and some indistinguishable swatch tatooed on her left fake breast, just slightly below any lycra neckline. So Di is trying to bring order to our little halfway house, where every respectable Bainbridge girl makes a short summer pitstop between here and there. Except for Jade. And, boy is Jade freaking out. Jade has working there pretty much longer than anyone. She's only 222, but she works five doubles in a row per week, she's engaged to a rehaber, she has Chinese symbols tattooed on her foot (if I had a dollar for every one of my co-workers' tattoos...) she used to be a cheerleader. Jade is the type of girl girls like me hate. She's 5'2", blond, big boobs, big eyelashes, diamonds and a tiny dog. She stepped out of Nicole Ritchie's handbag. But, for some reason I really really like Jade and I feel bad for all the shit Kevin (the owner) gives her to do without paying her extra for it. I feel bad that he brings in a "manager" who Jade basically trains without getting the title of manager. Jade works hard. Despite big boobs big eyelashes, tiny feet and face, people come to the restaurant to sit at Jade's tables. Nobody comes to sit at my tables, that's for damn sure.

I have another interview at Google on Monday. They're flying me down to San Fran, which will be nice, b/c I'll get to see Christine and all them fools. Nice to get a change of food serving pace.

I get to see GirlTalk again tomorrow in Seattle. I'm stoked.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hockey Mask

I'm embarrassed to admit, that, in my job search, it's very important to me what I'm going to say to people about what I'm doing.

So, what are you doing now?

I'm an administrative assistant for a boring company.



So, what are you doing now?

I'm an editorial assistant for a design magazine.

OH! Which one?!




So, what are you doing now?

I'm a law clerk in San Francisco.

Do you want to go to law school?

Thinking about it.

Do law clerks work a lot?

No free time. Never.


It's scary how much stake I'm putting into those 3-6 lines of interaction.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


I hate our healthcare system. And I hate that a movie can wrap up all the imperfections and fucked up parts of it and then make me feel incredibly helpless when I leave. I know I'm getting breast cancer at some point in my life. I hope I have health insurance to pay for it. I hope I don't have to move to France to do it. I hope I live to be old. I think I'd make a good old person.